Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Seed Poem Exhibition November 22

bunces barn

November 24

White light cuts from the pond -
So bright I can see my eyebrow hairs around the shape of my nose if I close one eye.

A last leaf jangles across the air in front of me,
Clicks and ticks,
Another bombs in
Sharp lightness -as if all bass notes are missing
Another leaf, slow,dignified ,lowers its way to the ground, another sound of clack
Two flies buzzing around each other and around the wall, rumage with life and speed

take grace
make gratitude
allow beauty

resounding essence of place

Monday, 22 November 2010

November 22 Judith & Clare

A busy day at the Barn
Seed Poems up
Film on windows
Paper in places
charcoal and mud
soup apples satsumas

Friday, 19 November 2010

November 19

A heron flew up from the pond
-As I tramped in-
Its solemn wings
Breathing in space-
It landed in the field below the beehives
After a pause, it rose again, swirled and made for the distance

A pigeon - surprised by me quietly sitting-
The white middle of its wings
Moving away like camera shutters

Against grey sky
Some ragged leaves descend
Nearly the last -
Rain follows

Against grey clouds
A small aircraft
White light on its tail

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

November 16 sunset

Arrived late to a lit up sky and undercoloured clouds.  Crab apples were on the floor for the first time. Sat and read my  early morning writings. Watched the sun go and felt the brightness of the moon over the oaks.

Walk to the pond nov 16 from clare whistler on Vimeo.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Nov 11 place

The strongest activism around place really starts from the centre, a very specific place, in what William Heat Moon calls a 'deep map'.  And then with really consiously lived experience, it moves out from there in ripples.  A great way of learning where you are is to think in terms of these ripples and how they affect  your centre and where other rings intercede to affect you and the environment and so forth.
Lucy R Lippard

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Quote Amanda Ross-Ho

We live and act in the present and yet it is the hardest moment to describe.  The present is our ongoing ever changing moment of origin, a collage of everything, a multi-faceted jewel made up of memeory, feeling, thinking, and whatever you are looking for.

Nov 10 Great Dixter visit

Glorious autumn sun, slightly soggy ground, alders and willows before the gate to walk in
Talked at home, walked to the Barn,  compared experience , looked around, walked back for lunch.
Talked about the Barn and what I am doing, in relation to what they are doing at Great Dixter.
Talked to Victoria and Catherine

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Colette vsit November 5th

Too wet to walk, and Colette's shoes were lacy, her coat grey patterned with silver.
She choose her wildflower 'yellow rattle'  , and we talked poetry and fireworks.

November 1 All Souls Day

I am standing where you stood  in June -
Alive with honey
Alive wth beauty
Alive with golden

This is the day you go