Friday, 29 April 2011

upright weeds, brown-wanded
fringed with pale yellow fascinators
leaves into ground holding boats of lines
bearing royalty on a special day
tiaras of seed heads sequin in the breeze

Monday, 25 April 2011

record of secret visitors
who in a certain spirit
claim the place their own

how many coats can a tree have
before I recognise its make
unpruned, overgrown, knolled and prickled,
growth struggling from the ends of trawling branches
gifts to this unknown tree
for going through these uncertain seasons with me


Friday, 8 April 2011

the bare tree starts to shudder into life
those tiny bows tightly
ruched and gathered along the branches
a pale is-it-green warble of change

butterflies hold still
a quake in the air
there is a swarm somewhere in the thatch
thrumming thrumming thrumming
hypnotic swirl of bees
I take a path away
a few in my hair make temporary homes
then threshold over  into the cloudless blue

blossom and blue sky

first bluebell

Monday, 4 April 2011

monday april 4 Tash Bidgood visit

someone bowing in the dock leaves
a worshipper in open view
a pilgrim of the low flowers
softly capturing
with a click of care

dancers in landscape april 3

dancers in Landscape april 3